


I have published the following writing, for example:

  • Arborientation, with the horticultural information team at the Jardin botanique de Montréal, a publication that is at once an event program, a musical score, and a field guide of the Arboretum in the Jardin botanique (Montréal: Productions SuperMusique, 2023)
  • Arborienteering (Guelph), with Polly Samland, a publication that is at once an event program, a musical score, and a field guide of the University of Guelph Arboretum (Guelph: Publication Studio, 2021)
  • “COVID-19 and the Creative Music Ecology” with Karen Ng, in Critical Studies in Improvisation2021
  • “Productions SuperMusique as Heard by an Outsider-turned-Insider,” in Circuit: Musiques Contemporaines, 2020
  • The Share: Guelph Artists-in-Residence, 2012” with Susanna Hood, Guelph: ICASP & Musagetes Foundation (2016)
  • “One Musician Writes about Creative Music Venues in Toronto,” in People Get Ready (ed. Wallace & Heble), Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2013, pp 175-83
  • “‘Improvisation’ in Corporations and Creative Music: What Are We Really Talking About?” in Critical Studies in Improvisation, 2013
  • “Listening To, Listening With” in Music is Rapid Transportation (ed. Daniel Kernohan), Toronto: Charivari Press, 2010, pp 91-98
  • “The Pedagogical Imperative of Musical Improvisation” in Critical Studies in Improvisation, 2007
  • Reviews of books by John TilburyEdwin Prévost, and Ben Watson

In addition, I wrote nearly all the artists’ biographical notes for the brochures of the Guelph Jazz Festival from, I think, 1998 to 2012, and then again from 2017. I have regularly seen these texts copied and quoted –– usually unattributed –– in other print and electronic publications, which is flattering.

Editing & Translation

I work freelance as a copyeditor and French-to-English translator on lots of grad-student theses, grant applications, media releases, CD liner notes, etc., and I worked for a spell with an academic journal. Please contact me if you would like me to consider working for you in this capacity; my work is good, affordable, and efficient.