Sonorienteering (2009)
Performed on 10 September, 2009, near the Western Front, Vancouver.
Sonorienteering was the outcome of a two-week term as Artist-in-Residence at the Western Front. The performance was part of the SWARM Festival, a city-wide arts-organization open house, and was structured in two “movements”: The first was a compact version of Acoustic Orienteering for eight musicians in the residential streets around the Western Front in Vancouver’s Mount Pleasant neighbourhood; the second involved eleven musicians and two dancers performing as they moved in various ways on the sidewalks and within select businesses in the triangular block bounded by Broadway, Main, and Kingsway, very near the Western Front. The residency also included my leading an improvisation workshop and giving an artist’s talk about my cartographic works in general.
The ensemble for the première of Sonorienteering was Steve Bagnell (saxophone), Meredith Bates (violin), DB Boyko (voice), JP Carter (trumpet), Jennifer Clarke (dance), Coat Cooke (saxophone), Kate Hammett-Vaughn (voice), Viviane Houle (voice), Julie Lebel (dance), Peggy Lee (cello), Clyde Reed (contrabass), Carol Sawyer (voice), Stefan Smulovitz (laptop).
Other Cartographic Works:
- Parcours parcuivres (2016)
- Muses & mystères (2016)
- Rara Avis (2015)
- The Share (2012)
- Chamber Elements (2012)
- AGOrienteering (2011)
- Belgorienteering (2009)
- Terpsichorienteering (2009)
- Acoustic Orienteering (2007-09)
- Arborienteering (2008)
- Music(in)Galleries (2006-10)
- Overview of Cartographic Works